Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Land of Milk and Honey

I like to refer to my parents house as the land of milk and honey. It's a neat place of refuge and refreshing. As you can see, they have a beautiful pool that is surrounded by nature. We live in the Woodlands so there are trees everywhere. Also, when I come home we get take-out from restaurants like Cheesecake Factory, Carabbas, PF Changs, you name it! My previous Living Hope roomies can attest that I live on a diet of rice and beans, which I actually love! To me beans are almost as good as chocolate! Anyways, a little take-out Italian or Chinese cuisine is a great treat. :) I didn't grow up in the Woodlands. My parents moved here after I went off to college. It's really begun to grow on me. I've enjoyed having these days to relax and reflect as I transition from the busy life of a teacher to being a missionary in Nicaragua. God is good and I'm so thankful for the sweet blessings!



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Anonymous said...

Hey Julie!

Emily and I are excited for you! If you want to keep up with us, add our blog to your list:

Know that your Team Williams Prayer Warriors are up in arms for you!!!


emily said...

Julie! thank you so much for your prayers, know that they are continually needed.

I am so excited and in prayer for you as you prepare for this upcoming journey--I cant wait to hear all that the Lord is going to do!

and yes, Cuernavaca is wonderful! p.s. You wouldn{t happen to remember where the Mustard Seed is do you? I have talked to so many people and no one has heard of it or knows where it is and I would love to go to it.

much love,